Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wyatt's Birth Story

Welcome to the World Wyatt Tiller!
October 3, 2011 at 7:59
8 pounds and 15 ounces

Wyatt is now three weeks old and I feel like I am just now stopping long enough to think about blogging!  Wow!  Our world has really changed and it is wonderful.  Ryan and I welcomed Wyatt into the world on October 3rd.  This was eight days past my due date so, as you can imagine, we were very glad when he finally arrived!  Here is how it all played out!  I went into the hospital on Sunday, October 2nd to be induced.  They were going to do cervadil (sp?) that night and start pitocin on Monday morning.  When they hooked me up to the monitor they saw that I was having contractions pretty regularly.  I had no idea that I was having contractions!  So, they didn't do the cervadil and just let me sleep through the night in hopes that things might start on their own.  I took a sleeping pill that night too which helped me to get a pretty good night of sleep.  (The last full night of sleep I have had!)  At 5:15 on Monday morning my nurse woke me up.  I got a shower and then at 6:00 they started the pitocin.  I made it until 10:30ish and then wanted the epidural.  I was two centimeters dilated and was nervous that the epidural would keep me from progressing but my doctor assured me that it wouldn't.  The epidural was wonderful and I highly recommend it to any pregnant woman!   After the epidural I slept for the rest of the labor.  My nurse would just come in and check on me every couple of hours.  I progressed like this.....2, 4, 8/9ish, 9 1/2, 10.  I was ten centimeters at about 5:30 and they had me start pushing at 6:00.  Wyatt was born at 7:59!  The labor and delivery itself was really good looking back on it.  BUT, let me go back and tell you that when they broke my water, they saw that their was meconium in the water.  So they knew from that sign that Wyatt had already had his first bowel movement in my uterus.  When he was born, Ryan cut the cord and the nurses took him right away.  They had to put tubes down his nose and mouth and work on him for a little bit before he could breathe on his own.  Poor little guy!  He was strong though and was okay very quickly.  While they were working on him I was distracted because I wasn't delivering the placenta as easily as I thought it was supposed to happen.  My doctor, whom I love, got really serious and I knew something wasn't right with me.  After a few minutes I was really uncomfortable because the epidural had worn off during the two hours of pushing.  I asked her what was going on and she said that the placenta had attached to my uterus and that she was having to remove it little by little.  I won't go into graphic details but I will just say that forty five minutes later she was finished with me.  She was able to remove all of the placenta and stop the bleeding.  At one point during all of that she told me that if she couldn't stop the bleeding then they were going to have to take me to surgery.  Thankfully she was able to do what needed to be done and surgery didn't happen.  I spent those forty five minutes after Wyatt's birth trying to stay calm knowing that he was finally okay and that the Lord was in control of what was happening to my body.  Afterward, my doctor told me that there was no way of knowing that was going to happen to me.  She stayed at the hospital that night just in case anything went wrong with me.  The next morning she came to see me and was very positive about future pregnancies.  She just said that next time she would be prepared!  I have to say though that my doctor is in a practice with several doctors.  Any one of them could have been on call that day but she happened to be the one there.  I know without a doubt that the Lord had it planned for her to be the one there.  I trust her so much and know that she is very good at what she does.  She is the same doctor who performed my mom's hysterectomy. 

I could probably go into a lot more detail about the whole experience but I will spare you!  We are so happy to have Wyatt here and every minute of the past nine months is totally worth it!  Children are definitely a blessing from the Lord!  Ryan and I have already learned so much and we can't wait to be a part of this precious boys life!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sky Top Apple Orchard

Fall is such a great time of the year!  Last Saturday, my family went to Sky Top Apple Orchard to enjoy the nice weather.  Here are some pictures of our fun day!

Winston loves apples!  He was in heaven!

Group shot

Me with Grancie and Onna

Grancie and Mimi

Me and Ryan

39 weeks! I'm glad my water didn't break so far from home!

Ice Cream, Pickles, Buttons, Elephants and Giraffes

I have had three very unique and special baby showers which have overwhelmed me and caused me to be a very thankful soon to be mom!  Here are some pictures from each one!
(when Ryan gets home he will turn the sideways pics.....I can't figure it out now! haha)

August 21st
"Ice Cream and Pickles"
 Hosted by Winton

Me with the fabulous hostess
Winton's beautiful table
Ice Cream and Pickles Theme

rain shower boots for Wyatt to wear one day
Katie and I showing off our bellies

Group "Thank you" Picture

August 27th
"Cute As a Button"
Hosted by Gina, Lauren, Susan, and Katie 


September 10th
"Elephants and Giraffes" 
Hosted by Kathy

Thank you everyone for your sharing in our excitement over the arrival of Wyatt!  We are so thankful!

Monday, September 12, 2011

38 Week Update

Less than two weeks to go until my due date of September 25th!

How far along?  38 weeks and two days

Belly button in or out?  very shallow but not completely out :)  Hope it stays that way!

Rings on or off?  Off.  I bought a gorgeous fake wedding band at Target that is substituting until my rings can make their way back home to my finger!

Food Cravings?  Krispy Kreme doughnuts and milk, apple juice

Food Aversions?  Zaxby's just seems so unhealthy at this point

How do I feel physically?  My hands and feet are swollen a little bit.  It bothers me but everyone says that they can't tell.  Sometimes when I am walking it feels like it did after a day of teaching and standing on your feet all day and then staying on your feet for PTA night.....and all in heels.  I am not sleeping very well at night so I get tired a lot during the day.  Then when it is time to go to bed I can't fall asleep!  I have had some pressure down below and sciatic nerve pain.

Weight gain?  The doctors say I am right where I am supposed to be:)  I don't know why everyone thinks they have the right to ask how much weight you have gained when you are pregnant.  You would never ask a woman that when she isn't pregnant.  I think it might be the generation but, both my sweet grandmothers ask that question all the time!

My Mood?  Good I hope!

Size of baby?  All I know is that last week my belly was measuring exactly 37 weeks.  I go to the doc. tomorrow and I am going to ask if they can tell me anything more.  It will probably just be a guess on their part if they do say.

Next appointment?  Tomorrow, Tuesday, is my next appointment.  They will check me to see if anything is happening and I'll let you know!  I am excited to see if my body has started the process of labor.  We shall see!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

G-Vegas Party

Here are a couple pictures to make you smile!  We took these at a party one of our friends pulled together.  Enjoy!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Belly Pictures

Here are some of the pictures I have pulled together to show my ever changing tummy!

 Not really sure when these early pics were taken.
My mom took them with her camera and I just bet she could tell you exactly!
 Once again not sure how many weeks....I know...I have been awful at this belly picture thing!
 I wold guess somewhere around 17 or 18 weeks along....
This is over spring break with my preggo friend KT!
 This is at a baby shower for Lesa Addington and all the soon to be moms in order of when we are due.
I think I was about 24 weeks here.
This is over Memorial Day weekend when we were at the lake.

This is Ryan and I cutting our anniversary cake.....late....I must add.
I was 28 weeks here in this picture.  Sorry it isn't a good side view! You can just trust me when I say that baby Wyatt is growing and right on track.  My doctor says I am measuring perfectly!